The farm originally began many years ago with our parents, Jerry and Marie Mezenberg.  They produced plugs since the early 1980's and slowly expanded into onions, cole crops, fresh market tomatoes, processing tomatoes, peppers and melons. Over the years we have expanded to grow any plant that our customers require.  Our greenhouse operation has grown to over 180,000 sq. ft. and we are centrally located in Southwestern Ontario, just north of the town of Thamesville.
IIn 2005, the business was passed down to the second generation to Mike and Jeff Mezenberg.  Our focus remains the same to provide quality, healthy plants for your every transplant need.  Our facilities offer technology to help provide assurance of a high quality, uniform plant.  From left to right, pictured above are freshly clipped onions (ready for planting), various varieties of cabbage (one week before shipment), and bell peppers (two weeks before shipment).
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